In this episode of our podcast "Minute Papillon!", we find our weekly program "Tout Sexplain", where we discuss sexuality, health and society. In this episode, we evoke sexual consent, that is to say, in the context of a shared sexual relationship, accepting, in all conscience, to concretize a sexual act that makes us want.

Give clear agreement

How to define your consent? And make sure of that of his, his partner? What to do if you have been drinking, using drugs? Can I change my mind in an intimate relationship? Why are the body's signs of arousal not enough to consent to a sexual act? How to analyze the hesitation of a person with whom you want to have a relationship? Why is consent not obvious, even with his long-time partner?

To talk about sexual consent, the importance of the clearly formulated agreement between partners, two guests for this interview: Béatrice Noiset and Emma Sarret of the Brio d'ados collective, a collective that published Mon dico d'ados, 150 words, testimonials and mini-guides to cross adolescence brilliantly, illustrated by Pernelle Marchand, published by Les insolentes (2022).

Write us your questions about health, sexuality

"Tout Sexplain" is a weekly meeting of interviews where we exchange on sexuality, health and society. If you have questions on these topics, we send them to health professionals, experts, key witnesses to answer them in podcast. How do I do this? Write to us at: Josephine asked us what orgasm was, listen to the podcast made to answer her!

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  • Podcast
  • Everything explains
  • Sexuality
  • Sex
  • Couple
  • Society
  • Rape
  • Sexual assault
  • 20 Minutes Podcast
  • Butterfly Minute