- I hate journalists.

You really are friends when things go well and they are absolutely terrible when things go bad.

You know it's like that, but it's still bullshit.

Like today, when I actually do by far my best sprint race that I can remember, Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold said in a youtube video after the sprint at the WC.

She said that it is stressful after a tough race to have to answer 50 questions about why things went so badly.

- It is not so easy to try to believe in yourself when everyone else tells you how bad you are, she says.

"Too much emotion"

Now the star explains her statements and believes that she would not have said the same thing a week later.

- I wanted to show a bit of how you feel there and then.

We put a lot of work into this and for some it becomes a lot of emotions and I am one of them, she explains to NRK.

Landmark Tandrevold believes that she is her own biggest critic and that she expects critical questions after a poor performance, but that it becomes tough when you are already hard on yourself.

- Sometimes it is easy to forget what is good.

Biathlon is a puzzle and you may have put many pieces correctly without having really found the last piece.