Antibiotics, analgesics, antiepileptics, drugs against fever and asthma, but also some vaccines... In recent weeks, drug shortages have multiplied and paediatric forms are not spared. Enough to stress many parents, forced to go around pharmacies to try to find the treatment, punctual or chronic, prescribed to their child. If the lucky ones succeed, for others, it is necessary to go through forms for adults, to recondition for a dosage adapted to the child, by improvising pharmacy preparers.

Is this your case? Can't find the medications prescribed for your children? What drugs are involved? Have your doctor and pharmacist been able to find alternatives? Which? Have you been offered adult shapes? Did you or your pharmacist have had to adapt them to your child's dosage? Tell us.

  • Health
  • Medicine
  • Shortage
  • Child
  • Doctor
  • Pharmacy
  • Pharmaceutical industry