During her speech to the Human Rights Council.

Shamma Al Mazrouei: UAE attaches great importance to the UPR process

Minister of Community Development Shamma bint Suhail Al Mazrouei delivered a speech to the Human Rights Council in which she spoke about the role of the United Arab Emirates in paying great attention to the universal periodic review of human rights process.

Al Mazrouei addressed the Council:

"Mr. President, Your Excellency the High Commissioner for Human Rights, ladies and gentlemen, honorable audience, peace,

mercy and blessings of God,,,

Allow me at the outset to congratulate you, Ambassador Vaklak Balek, on your appointment as President of the Human Rights Council. I wish you success in your duties.

I and my accompanying delegation have the honour to introduce the national report of the United Arab Emirates at the forty-third session of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review of Human Rights. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, the members of the Troika team, and the countries for giving us the opportunity to have a constructive dialogue on the progress made by the UAE since its review of its third periodic report in January 2018.

The UAE attaches great importance to the UPR process, which provides an opportunity for all UN Member States to exchange views and experiences, and to select best practices for the promotion, protection and advancement of human rights within the framework of a constructive interactive dialogue.

Mr. President

The Government of the United Arab Emirates believes that progress in the human rights situation needs enablers and a solid ground, as its vision to enhance these enablers is based on the duality of stability and prosperity adopted by the State as an approach, considering that providing a decent life for human beings in a stable and safe environment represents the real lever that ensures actual progress in many areas of human rights, including, but not limited to, access to education and health care, social protection and addressing discrimination, protection from social exploitation, and justice. Litigation and cultural and intellectual freedom, all of these rights need a development incubator that strengthens them and works to push them forward towards further progress and development.

Our vision of the reality of human rights is crystallized through a comprehensive and broader concept, represented in the development of the legislative and legal system and the strengthening of the institutional structure that guarantees and protects human rights.

From this standpoint, we have worked in the United Arab Emirates over the past years to promote this approach by focusing on regional, international, bilateral and collective action, as we are in dire need at this stage to work together, promote mutual interests and open peaceful dialogue on various issues that have always preoccupied the region and affected its peoples, this approach is the best way towards meeting the aspirations of the peoples of the region within a reality that enhances their capabilities, releases their energies and at the same time provides them with all their living needs. and socio-economic as well as other moral needs related to human rights.

In this context, I would like to express my country's concern at the state of political polarization in the world, which has intensified over the past few years. The world is facing the threat of division and classification, as the atmosphere of conflicts represents fertile soil for ignoring everything related to human rights, aspirations and future, and this deep understanding of the dangers of political polarization and conflicts is the factor that reinforces and confirms the correctness of the UAE's vision calling for the need to adopt the duality of stability and prosperity, build bridges of communication and adopt diplomatic and political solutions to the crises facing the region and the world.

My country has always considered the human being a priority, and therefore I have harnessed all the plans and programs of the State with the aim of caring for him and ensuring his right to live in dignity, well-being and respect for his humanity, which is protected by the Constitution and the law, and this is what His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, stressed in his first speech after assuming the presidency last year, saying: "The people of the UAE are the focus of the country's attention and at the top of its priorities since its inception, and the approach of citizen happiness and care will remain the basis in all our plans towards "We have actively participated in the growth and development of our economy," His Highness said, stressing that the UAE will continue its firm approach in strengthening bridges of partnership, dialogue and effective and balanced relations based on trust, credibility and mutual respect with the countries of the world to achieve stability and prosperity for all.

Mr. President

The UAE considers that its fourth national report is a continuation of an action plan it has started since the adoption of its third report and is determined to move forward to work to add more to its record of achievements in the field of human rights and to contribute and interact positively with international practices in this regard.

This report reviews the UAE's efforts to follow up the implementation of the results of the third periodic review and the important recommendations it contained, which the UAE was keen to implement through the concerted efforts of all concerned authorities and institutions in the country.

The period from mid-2018 to the end of 2022 brought positive and important developments in the field of promoting and protecting human rights in the UAE, in light of the comprehensive development process witnessed by the country at the legislative level through the adoption of more than 68 legislations from 2019 to 2022, including, but not limited to, the issuance of federal laws and decrees on equal salaries between the sexes, protection from domestic violence, insolvency, witness protection law and In their judgment, public health, civil procedures, juvenile delinquents and delinquents, persons of unknown parentage, criminal procedures and the organization of labor relations and domestic workers. and the Civil Personal Status Law for Non-Muslims. The State has also introduced significant and extensive legislative amendments, including laws against discrimination and hatred, crimes and penalties, and commercial companies. The UAE is currently reviewing a number of legislations such as the Press and Publications Law, the Anti-Human Trafficking Law, and the Law on the Protection of People of Determination (People with Disabilities) in order to align them with its international human rights obligations.

Mr. President

The UAE's establishment of the National Human Rights Commission in accordance with the Paris Principles under Federal Law No. 12 of 2021, on which many of the recommendations accepted by the UAE during its review of its third periodic report are the culmination of national efforts to strengthen and develop its institutional structure that would promote and protect human rights. Under the law, the Commission enjoys financial and administrative independence in the exercise of its functions, activities and competencies in the promotion and protection of human rights, the most important of which is participation with the competent authorities and authorities in the development of a national plan of action for the promotion and protection of human rights in the State, proposing a mechanism for its implementation, submitting proposals, recommendations and advice to the competent authorities and authorities, in addition to submitting proposals to the competent authorities on the compatibility of legislation and laws with international charters, covenants and conventions on human rights to which the State is a party and following up on them. The State, represented by its institutions, looks forward to strengthening its cooperation with the National Commission in order to contribute to the promotion and protection of human rights. Assist the Authority in carrying out the tasks entrusted to it in accordance with the law.

During the past four years, the UAE has adopted a coherent and integrated system of national policies and strategies that seek to promote and ensure the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the most important of which are the National Plan on Women, Peace and Security, which aims to achieve the effective participation of women in conflict prevention, the National Policy for the Elderly, the Gender Balance Strategy 2026, the National Immunization Policy, the National Family Policy, the Family Protection Policy, the National Food Security Strategy 2051 and the Youth Engagement Strategy. Launch post-COVID-19 recovery plans and initiatives. and the UAE Centennial 2071, which constitutes a long-term government action program. The State is currently working on updating the strategy for women's empowerment and leadership and preparing the National Human Rights Plan, which will serve as a comprehensive and integrated national framework in this field.

Mr. President

Tolerance in the United Arab Emirates is a practical translation of the vision that the country has followed since its establishment, and the UAE has dedicated the year 2019 to tolerance, which culminated in the historic meeting that brought together His Eminence the Grand Imam Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Sheikh of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, Chairman of the Muslim Council of Elders, with His Holiness Pope Francis, Pope of the Catholic Church in Abu Dhabi, and the signing of the "Document on Human Fraternity" for world peace and coexistence, and accordingly the United Nations General Assembly adopted a unanimous resolution considering February 4 as "today." International Fraternity of Mankind". To consolidate common values, coexistence and understanding, the UAE opened the Abrahamic Family House in Abu Dhabi, an area that includes adjacent buildings such as a mosque, church, synagogue and educational center, crowning the country's efforts to spread tolerance. The position of Minister of State for Tolerance was created for the first time in the UAE in February 2016, and the National Tolerance Program was introduced, with the aim of consolidating the values of tolerance, cultural pluralism, acceptance of others, and rejection of discrimination, hatred, and intolerance in thought, education and behavior. In addition to launching a number of tolerance and peace awards such as the Zayed Prize for Human Fraternity and the Mohammed bin Rashid Award for Tolerance.

As part of its efforts to support global climate action, the UAE is preparing to host the 28th COP2023 in November 2050, at Expo City Dubai, which will focus on implementing climate commitments and pledges, working together to take concrete action, finding solutions that contribute to overcoming challenges, and seizing opportunities to ensure a sustainable future for current and future generations. The UAE is aware of the importance of climate change and considers hosting this important conference a national priority in the context of international concerns towards this issue. The government has also adopted the Strategic Initiative for Climate Neutrality <>, making the UAE the first country in the Middle East and North Africa to announce its goal of achieving climate neutrality. In addition to the UAE's membership in international organizations and treaties, including:

الوكالة الدولية للطاقة المتجددة-إيرينا ( (IRENA
اتفاقية الأمم المتحدة الإطارية بشأن تغير المناخ (UNFCCC)
المجلس العالمي للطاقة (WEC)
طاقة مستدامة للجميع (SE4All)
شبكة حلول التطوير المستدام- مبادرة الأمم المتحدة (SDSN)
مجموعة العمل التابعة للأمم المتحدة حول أهداف التنمية المستدامة (OWG-SDG)

السيد الرئيس،

شكلت جائحة كوفيد-19 تحديات كبيرة للمجتمع الدولي دون استثناء، انعكست آثارها وتداعياتها على جميع الجوانب، وفرضت هذه الجائحة تحديات على كافة الدول تمثلت بزيادة وتيرة انتشار الفيروس وتحوره، الأمر الذي دفع دول العالم بما فيها دولة الإمارات لوضع تدابير وإجراءات احترازية ووقائية للحد من انتشاره والتقليل من آثار الجائحة، فعلى الصعيد الصحي قدمت الدولة مجانًا اللقاحات لمواجهة تفشي الفيروس لنحو 25 مليون مستفيد لأكثر من 200 جنسية حيث بلغت نسبة التطعيم لجميع الجرعات أكثر من 95% وبلغت نسبة الأشخاص اللذين تلقوا جرعة واحدة بنسبة تقارب الـ100%. أما على الصعيد الدولي فقد أرسلت دولة الإمارات نحو 3000 طن من المساعدات الطبية إلى أكثر من 142 دولة لدعم جهودها في التصدي لجائحة كوفيد-19.

لقد نجحت دولة الإمارات في تأسيس منظومة رعاية صحية متكاملة تُطَبقُ أفضل الممارسات العالمية، حيث تبوأت الدولة المراكز الأولى عالميًا في 14 مؤشرًا صحيًا للعام 2022، كما حصلت على المركز الأول عربيًا وخليجيًا في 6 مؤشرات أخرى، وفقًا لمؤشر الازدهار 2021، وتقرير المواهب العالمية وتقرير مؤشر أهداف التنمية المستدامة 2022، وفي إنجاز عالمي غير مسبوق اعتمدت جمعية الصحة العالمية لأول مرة في تاريخها مشروع قرار لتعزيز جودة الحياة الصحية بقيادة دولة الإمارات. بالإضافة الى ضمان حكومة الإمارات حقوق المرضى، حسب القرار وزارة الصحة بشأن ميثاق حقوق المريض وواجباته. وكذلك إطلاق المجلس الاستشاري للمرضى وعائلاتهم والذي يهدف إلى بناء علاقة وثيقة وشراكة بناءة مع المرضى وعائلاتهم، للعمل معاً على تحسين جودة الرعاية الصحية في منشآت مؤسسة الإمارات للخدمات الصحية، وتحقيق الريادة الصحية بالمشاركة المجتمعية.

تشكل عملية تطوير منظومة التعليم ورؤيتها أبرز الأولويات لحكومة دولة الإمارات، إيمانًا منها بأن التعليم هو أساس تقدم وتطور الأمم، ومن هذا المنطلق طورت الدولة نموذج المدرسـة الإماراتيــة، الذي يركــز علــى توفيــر التعليــم الجيــد منــذ الـمراحل الأولى مرورًا بمسـاراته الخمسـة، كما استحدثت نموذج (مدارس الأجيال) بهدف تطوير الحلقة الأولى من قطاع التعليم الحكومي، وتم إنشاء المركز الوطني لجودة التعليم ليقدم تقييماً حيادياً للحكومة حول مستوى التعليم الحكومي والخاص والعمل على تحسينه بشكل مستمر. بالإضافة الى اعتماد الحكومة الاستراتيجية الوطنية للتعليم العالي 2030، والتي تركز على تطوير منظومة تعليمية مبتكرة، وتعزيز مهارات الطالب، باعتباره حجر أساس العملية التعليمية، وإشراك القطاع الخاص في عملية التطوير والتحديث المستمر لها، والتركيز على الأبحاث والدراسات، وتطوير برامج أكاديمية مبتكرة تعزز من تنافسية الدولة عالمياً. وكذلك وضعت دولة الإمارات استراتيجية المهارات المتقدمة والتي تستهدف ثلاث فئات هي: الطلبة في المدارس والجامعات، وفئة حديثي التخرج، وفئة الموظفين ذوي الخبرة، لتوجيه الكادر الوطني نحو المهارات المستقبلية، ليتمكن من التكيّف مع المتغيرات المتوقعة في سوق العمل، وتحويل التحديات إلى فرص من خلال ترسيخ مبدأ التعلم مدى الحياة.

كما تتصدر دولة الإمارات قائمة الداعمين للجهود الدولية لتوفير التعليم المناسب في المجتمعات التي تعاني أوضاعًا إنسانية صعبة حول العالم، حيث أعلنت دولة الإمارات في قمة "تجديد تعهدات المانحين للشراكة العالمية من أجل التعليم" التي عقدت في يوليو 2021، عن التزامها بتقديم مساهمة بقيمة 100 مليون دولار أمريكي لـ "الشراكة العالمية من أجل التعليم" بهدف دعم الخطة الإستراتيجية للبرامج التعليمية في الدول النامية خلال الفترة من 2021 ولغاية 2025. كذلك تم إطلاق مبادرة تحدي محو الأمية في العالم العربي – 2030 والتي تستهدف 30 مليون شاب وطفل عربي حتى العام 2030 وذلك بالتعاون بين مؤسسة محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم للمعرفة، ومنظمة اليونسكو، وبرنامج الأمم المتحدة الإنمائي. كما قامت دولة الإمارات بتقديم منحة 25 مليون دولار إلى منظمة الأولمبياد الخاص الدولية لتفعيل برنامج الدمج المدرسي للطلاب من جميع القدرات ( برنامج مدارس الابطال الموحدة unified champion schools ) لتستفيد منه في الوقت الحالي 17 دولة من جميع القارات.

السيد الرئيس،

The UAE affirms that the empowerment of women is a prerequisite to ensure the achievement of the vision of the United Arab Emirates in shaping a pioneering future for the country, in various areas of life in the country, where women represent a third of the ministerial formation, and 50% of the membership of the National Council in the UAE, and the number of licensed and owned companies reached 80,25 and 32 companies, while the number of businesswomen reached 10,80 businesswomen managing projects worth more than $ 30 billion. In addition to the excellence of Emirati women in the space sector, where their participation rate reached 2022% of the scientific team of the "Hope Probe" that reached the orbit of Mars, and the aspects of women's empowerment were reflected in the UAE's ranking first in the world in 2023 indicators of global competitiveness for women for the years 46 and 6, and as for the distribution of positions in government institutions by gender, women represent 66.30% of the total workforce, and occupy 15% of public sector jobs, including <>% in decision-making positions, and <>% in Technical and academic roles.

Within the framework of child protection and the provision of decent care for children, the State has placed this matter at the top of its priorities, as the State has enacted legislation that enhances child protection, the most important of which is the well-known Child Rights Act, which guarantees the provision of better protection for children, the enjoyment of their rights, support for their interests and respect for their privacy. The National Child Protection Policy has also been promulgated in educational institutions to enable children to exercise their rights, particularly educational rights and their right to protection. The Ministry of Community Development has also launched several initiatives related to child care, including: the smart application Tawasul to help children who face communication problems, and the smart application Nomu to early detection of developmentally delayed children under the age of five years, refer them to the Emirates Early Intervention Program, conduct a comprehensive assessment of their condition, and provide them with appropriate rehabilitation or family services. The UAE celebrates Emirati Children's Day on March 15 of each year, which aims to educate all segments of society about children's rights and ensure them so that they grow up in a healthy, safe and supportive environment that develops all their abilities and skills, which benefits the UAE society as a whole.

In order to enhance the UAE's efforts towards supporting the rights of persons with disabilities (as we call them people of determination in the UAE), the National Center for Diagnosis and Evaluation was established in 2021, which specializes in detecting cases of disability and developmental delays. Providing a comprehensive database on disability cases, the UAE issued a policy on the protection of people of determination in 2019. The UAE government launched the National Policy for the Empowerment of People with Disabilities - People of Determination with the aim of achieving active participation and equal opportunities in an inclusive society that ensures a decent life for them and their families, and the launch of the National Platform for Employing People of Determination and adopting a government policy to employ them, which led to an increase in the number of those enrolled in jobs in the public and private sectors by 47%. The "UAE Code for a Qualified Environment" was also launched with a set of international standards and requirements to ensure accessibility for persons with disabilities, in addition to the adoption of an inclusive education policy in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, and a response policy to empower people of determination in emergencies, crises and disasters. The Advisory Council for People of Determination was also established, which includes federal and local government institutions and members of the community, including people of determination, to work on providing advice with the aim of developing services and finding solutions to the challenges that hinder the integration of this group in society. The strategic plan to promote the rights and development of children with disabilities has also been adopted to cover all children with disabilities living in the UAE from birth to the age of 18 years and their families, and the state provides social care programs for people of determination to include their right to access government services through additional channels to communicate with them in sign language, in addition to granting a health card to people of determination that enables them to receive all medical services free of charge.

In 2019, the government adopted a federal law on the rights of senior citizens and residents, guaranteeing them the right to protection from violence, abuse and neglect, the right to an enabling environment, housing, education and work, and the right to access social services. The state also launched the National Policy for Senior Citizens, which aims to improve their quality of life. They also receive a range of services and privileges through the Masarra initiative, which is proactively included in their Emirates ID card. The State provides primary, social, psychological and physiotherapy services to the elderly through day clubs or through the Home Care Programme for the Elderly.

The UAE appreciates the energy and vision brought by young people at all levels of government, and the UAE invests in their energies as the country's most precious resource, by building their personality, developing the optimal environment for their empowerment, developing their skills, and enhancing their participation.

As a translation of the wise leadership's support for the nation's youth, the UAE has launched a number of initiatives and programs, including the UAE government's announcement of a package of strategic projects and initiatives within the "5 Projects", which includes the launch of the Project 5BN project, through which AED <> billion will be allocated to support young Emirati projects.

Within the framework of enhancing opportunities and formulating the vision of the future emirates by qualifying young people and their excellence in the field of space and investing the energy of young people to serve the country and humanity, the "Hope Probe" was taken as a basis for future projects directed to young people in the space sector, as was the case with the launch of the Khalifa University Center for Space Technology and Innovation, and the UAE Astronaut Program. In order to listen to the voices of young people and communicate their ideas, a system of youth councils has been established at the national, local and institutional levels, reaching today 184 councils represented by more than 1,800 members, in addition to organizing more than 330 local and international youth circles since 2016. With the aim of involving youth in the decision-making process at all levels and discussing the most important topics related to youth, their aspirations and the challenges they face to reach practical solutions, innovative ideas and effective policies.

Mr. President

In recognition of employment as partners in development and commitment to their rights, our legislation and procedures have been updated, as the state has in recent years carried out a wide range of legislative and regulatory reforms and provided proactive services to ensure the protection of workers' rights in the country, the most important of which is the issuance of Federal Decree-Law No. 33 of 2021, regarding the regulation of labor relations, which brought about a structural transformation in the labor market in the UAE, as the decree created advanced and new contractual relations in the UAE labor market in addition to new patterns of work. and work permits in the country, as well as articles that preserve workers' rights.

The decree has facilitated the issue of freedom of movement between jobs for employment, and the State, through the integrated legislative framework, has ensured the coverage of workers' rights in terms of necessary health care, maternity and sick leave of all kinds, and has developed an integrated framework to cover cases of total and partial disability and guarantee the rights of workers in all laws regulating labor in the State, in addition to launching the unemployment insurance system, which provides the necessary insurance coverage for workers in the private sector in the event of unemployment.

In 2022, the UAE also amended Federal Law No. 10 of 2017 on Domestic Helpers, obliging employers to provide decent housing for resident domestic workers in a manner that ensures comfort and privacy, and to bear the costs of medical treatment in the event of illness or injury in accordance with the health system in force in the country.

The UAE has made great efforts to enhance worker protection in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. During that period, it allocated more than $100 billion to stimulate the economy and help companies retain employees, created an online virtual job marketplace to advertise new jobs, and adopted a number of innovative policies to ensure workers' welfare, including introducing an early leave initiative to allow employees whose work has been affected by the pandemic to take early annual leave in their home countries.

As for combating human trafficking, the UAE, represented by the National Committee to Combat Human Trafficking, continues its efforts in this regard, as the Committee works to implement its competencies within the national strategy based on five important pillars: prevention and prevention, prosecution and punishment, protection of victims and strengthening international cooperation.

Mr. President

The UAE is keen to strengthen its cooperation with the various United Nations human rights bodies, mechanisms and committees, and to provide them with the necessary support to perform their mandated tasks, by providing annual voluntary contributions and donations to support United Nations funds, including but not limited to supporting the Voluntary Voluntary Fund for Financial and Technical Assistance for the Universal Periodic Review, and the Anti-Corruption and Human Rights Project.

As for the State's commitment within the framework of international human rights conventions to which it is a party, the State reviewed its fourth periodic report before the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women in June 2022, and reviewed its report on the Convention against Torture before the competent committee in July 2022, and the State, represented by the Standing Committee on Human Rights, follows up on the implementation of the recommendations received from those committees.

This year, the UAE will submit its periodic reports on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Convention on the Rights of the Child to the relevant treaty committees, and I am pleased to announce before your Council today the UAE's intention to accede to the Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict to the Convention on the Rights of the Child in the near future.

Mr. President

It was my pleasure to review some of the advances made by the United Arab Emirates in the field of human rights, and my country is determined to move forward to build on its achievements in the field of human rights.

I would like to thank the countries that sent their inquiries before the session, which will be commented on by the UAE delegation during the session.

Thank you, Mr. President, the honorable attendees and those who participated with us via the virtual network,,,"