Upon arrival in the square in Massa for an electoral event, the president of the 5 Star Movement, Giuseppe Conte, was, as often happens, surrounded by a crowd of supporters. A man approached pretending to want to shake his hand, but then hit him on the face starting to rail against the containment and protection measures introduced during the pandemic emergency, when Conte was Prime Minister. The attacker was removed by law enforcement.

The episode was reported by a note from the movement." Dissent is legitimate, but this violent demonstration goes beyond the democratic context", said the pentastellato president later, "when you assume a government responsibility, difficult decisions are taken in moments of great difficulty for the entire country, as happened during the pandemic. You cannot please everyone, even though you work for the good of all. The gentleman who attacked me, who is a convinced no vax, has shown with his violent gesture that this type of drift is made by irresponsible people. If we had followed their directions, we would probably be a completely destroyed community today."