▲ A spider popped out of the ear of a Chinese woman who visited the hospital saying that she heard tinnitus in her ear. On the left is a 'false eardrum' woven into the ear by a spider. (Photo = Huidong People's Hospital)

A spider was found in the ear of a Chinese woman who was suffering from severe tinnitus.

According to recent foreign media reports such as the British media Dummer, the medical staff of the People's Hospital of Huidong County, Sichuan Province, China, unexpectedly found a spider in the ear of Mr. A, who visited the hospital with tinnitus pain.

Mr. A, who usually suffers from tinnitus in his right ear, recently visited the hospital and was examined by the medical staff, saying, "I keep hearing a 'buzz' sound in my ears."

The medical staff pushed a probe with a small camera inside Mr. A's ear to look inside his ear, but found no abnormalities.

However, Mr. A's discomfort remained, and the medical staff who examined his ear again sensed something strange.

He had noticed something that was still moving beyond his eardrum.

When I lightly touched the eardrum with the tweezers attached to the tip of the probe, the eardrum was removed surprisingly easily, and then a spider popped out from the dark and deep and attacked the probe.

In fact, what the medical staff thought was the eardrum was not the real eardrum, but the "spider web" created by the spider.

They were so similar that they could be mistaken for real eardrums.

Fortunately, the spider that lived in Mr. A's ear was a non-poisonous species, and it was reported that he only suffered a small wound during the removal process.

Hospital officials said that attempting to remove a foreign body deeply embedded in the ear by yourself is very dangerous and urged that professional medical personnel should be assisted to avoid injury.