In the history of the European energy transition, the "Ostend Declaration" is one of many upward corrections that were necessary because energy policy fell short. Because otherwise she would have been too dizzy?

The states that advertised the "largest green power plant in Europe", the North Sea, on Monday in the Belgian seaside resort, assure in their declaration that the output of offshore wind power will be increased tenfold within twenty-five years. This is twice as much as previously planned, and that was also very ambitious.

The enlargement is ostensibly justified by the fact that the EU, Norway and Great Britain would have to draw even faster conclusions from the fact that Russian natural gas is no longer available in order to bridge the time until climate neutrality. Accelerated production of "green" hydrogen and storage of carbon dioxide are therefore being added.

Attractive for German industry

But that should have happened at some point anyway, because the real reason for the North Sea fever is that it is gradually becoming clear what amounts of energy Europe will need on a climate-friendly day in order to be able to maintain its prosperity and industry. The green power plant in the North Sea has the advantage that it is almost base-load capable. That's what makes it so attractive for German industry, but it's far from enough.

As far as declarations of intent to expand offshore wind power are concerned, Germany is fully in line with the European trend. The country is not in line with the trend in terms of diversification, and onshore wind power expansion, grid expansion and storage capacities are lagging far behind its own demands. Corrections to the 800 billion euros calculated by the wind power industry and the EU Commission are therefore foreseeable – for investments in the North Sea and hinterland alone.

These are figures that advocates of renewable energies in this country do not point out quite as fervently as they do to the costs and subsidies for other energy sources. The scoop of ice cream, which was supposedly only supposed to cost her fun, will soon be as big as the earth.