Foreign Wars and conflicts

Video from Ukrainian social media

"At school" of explosive drones: pro-Russian military instructs hooded soldiers

Donbass, an instructor shows the operation of the devices, how to point targets and follow them with a computer by directing unmanned vehicles to targets


They are driven with a small "joystick", like a video game, but they are lethal and have often proved decisive in the hybrid war between Russia and Ukraine: they are explosive drones, of all sizes, launched into enemy territory and produced by both Kiev and Moscow.

In this video, spread on Russian social media, soldiers follow a lesson, "At school" of drones: a Russian separatist instructor explains weapons to soldiers wearing balaclavas, hooded to remain anonymous (probably fearing possible reprisals, if identified).

According to Ukrainian state operator Ukrenergo, Russian forces have bombed Ukraine's main energy facilities "with more than 1,200 missiles and drones since the beginning of the invasion of the country."