They promised it would only be a break. This Monday, the garbage collectors of the CGT FTDNEEA (Waste treatment, cleaning and water, sewerage, sanitation) announced, via a letter sent to Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris, file a new strike notice for April 13.

Calling on all the staff of the Directorate of Cleanliness and Water (DPE) of the capital to participate "actively and massively" in the days of inter-union and inter-professional actions of the coming days and "in particular that of April 6".

The day before the decision of the Constitutional Council

"This renewable and indefinite strike notice from April 13, 2023 for the agents mentioned above, from 00:00 can range from 55 minutes (from the beginning or end of service) to 24 hours for the withdrawal of the pension reform Macron / Borne and for a return to retirement to 60 maximum with for the staff concerned a return to 50 and 55 years. "

The date of April 13 was not chosen at random since the next day, the Constitutional Council will have to decide on the validity or not of the pension reform.

In its letter, the CGT recalls that garbage collectors and drivers can, at present, retire at 57 years without bonus, an age that will increase to 59 years with the reform. The sewer workers and technicians of the operational services of the City of Paris "can claim retirement at 52 years with bonus" and that for "all other staff, it is a minimum pension at 64 years that is imposed with logically a reduction in pensions".

The union takes the opportunity to remind Anne Hidalgo, who had supported the movement against the pension reform, that the life expectancy of the vast majority of DPE staff is 12 to 17 years lower than that of all employees in France.

  • Paris
  • Ile
  • Pension reform 2023
  • CGT
  • Dustbin
  • Anne Hidalgo