Democratic Party Representative
Lee Jae-myung has reshuffled his party office. It appears that conflict management has been carried out through personnel renewal, but the secretary-general, who will oversee the nomination process for next year's general elections, has not changed.

This is reporter Jang Minsheng.


A month after the motion to arrest Lee Jae-myung was narrowly voted down, the MDP reshuffled its office.

The MDP, which had been suffering from internal turmoil due to the theory of responsibility for Representative Lee and the resignation of the leadership, began to reverse the atmosphere through "personal renewal."

In the position of Supreme Council member appointed Lim Sun-suk, who expressed his resignation, Song Gap-seok, a member of Honam re-election who is classified as a non-Lee Jae-myeong-gye, was appointed.

Three-term lawmaker Kim Min-seok, who has a relatively lighter complexion, was appointed chairman of the Policy Committee, the party's new policy command tower, and Han Byung-do, a re-elected lawmaker who served as Moon's Blue House chief of political affairs, was appointed as chairman of the strategy committee.

In addition, Assemblyman Kim Sung-joo was re-elected as Vice Chairman of the Policy Committee and Assemblyman Park Sang-hyuk was appointed as Vice President of Digital Strategy Affairs.

[Park Sung-joon/MDP spokesperson: (Representative Lee Jae-myung) emphasized the part of integration in the larger framework, and accordingly... We emphasized the emphasis on the emphasis on the use of talented people and the use of talent widely.]

The chief spokesman was Kwon Chil-seung, who served as minister of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Moon Jae-in government, and with Kang Sun-woo joining as the new spokesperson, spokesmen Kim Eui-hyum and Lim Oh-kyung stepped down.

However, the secretary-general, who manages the party's organization and funds and will oversee the work of next year's general elections, has been retained for a fifth term, who is classified as "pro-Lee Jae-myeong-gye."

There is an opinion that the reappointment of the secretary-general has left a spark of conflict, and there is also an assessment that the backlash may not be significant due to the wide range of party reforms.

(Video Interview: Kim Hak-mo, Video Editing: Lee Sung-Sung)