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He says he speaks because he doesn't tolerate anyone messing with his children, that may have been the problem. That Isabel Preysler has turned too much on her children and not so much on those of her former partners, with whom she has never maintained a good relationship during her marriages or, much less, afterwards.

It is a reality that the Vargas Llosa do not want to see the socialite in painting, no matter how much some of them ended up swallowing her while the Nobel lived with her, it is the case of Morgana and Álvaro, Gonzalo Vargas Llosa cost more. Today, however, Álvaro is her scourge on Twitter with indirects such as referring in some way to her as Madame Bovary. "We are not afraid at all," said the Llosa united in front of his father's ex. Well, that's it. The thing has ended fatally.

Preysler and Llosa.GTRES

Something similar happened with the children of her second husband, Miguel Boyer. We sensed it but we confirmed it after the recent death of Laura, from whom a posthumous interview was published in which the Filipino did not come out well at all- He labeled her as "cold and calculating" and made clear the bad relationship that always existed between them. Likewise, it transpired an information that Preysler's environment soon denied: that Laura did not appear in her father's will by the will of his last wife and that the land of the house of Puerta de Hierro, the well-known Villa Meona mansion, had been paid by the former minister, that is, it would belong in part to his eldest children. Statements that denied, of course, the diva and echoed by Julio Iglesias, Isabel's first husband, in an interview granted last week in ¡Hola! to defend the honor of his ex.

Preysler and Iglesias.Gtres

Boyer's other son. Miguel, with Dr. Elena Arnedo did not fall short with his stepmother, since he told El Español: "Although I have insisted a lot, he has not given us absolutely anything. Not a book from my father's famous bookstore, not a work of art that he had inherited from his family, not a measly watch to serve as a souvenir, or even some old sneakers."

The journalist Jaime Peñafiel, for his part, knows the life and miracles of this key character of the press of the heart in

Preysler and Boyer.GTRES

Spain has also revealed that the wedding of the Queen of Hearts with her second husband, the Marquis of Griñón, did not fit well with his children, Xandra and Manuel, fruit of his marriage with Jeannine Girod. It occurred in 1980, and then everyone had to leave their farm in Malpica del Tajo to go to her villa in El Viso. It is not that they were shooting with his father's new wife, but they always had a cold and distant relationship, quite the opposite of that of the Marquis with Isabel's children. "See if Carlos behaved well with my children who once at a dinner in Miami coincided Carlos and Julio, and Julio approached him to thank him for how he had behaved with my children, for how good he had been with them and for how affectionate he had always been," Preysler said, according to Voz Populi.


What Griñón did achieve was that at least all of his children (five of three marriages) got along. Both the eldest, Xandra and Manolo, as well as Tamara (daughter of Preysler) and Duarte and Aldara, born of his marriage to Fátima de la Cierva. Even Preysler with his family, something that we will check at Tamara's wedding, to see if the five finally coincide: Chábeli, Julio José, Enrique, Tamara and Ana.

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  • Isabel Preysler
  • Julio Iglesias
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  • Miguel Boyer
  • Fernando Hierro