video of a Chinese processing company using industrial detergent on the seafood people eat has been released. It has been confirmed that about 5,1 tons of goods came out of the company, but nothing has been exported to Korea yet.

Chung Yong-tae is a correspondent in Beijing.

A seafood company in Dalian, northeast

It is a place where large quantities of seafood products popular in China, such as abalone and sea cucumber, are processed.

[Employees of seafood processing companies: In China, golden abalone ranks first and second in sales volume of our company.]

However, local media confirmed that frozen scallops from Senegal, Africa, were being turned into abalone flesh.

When the white powder placed throughout the factory is soaked in dissolved water for two days, the flesh turns bright gold, which is sold under the guise of golden abalone flesh.

[Seafood processing company employee: (When dipped in medicine) it becomes smooth and looks very good.]

Investigation revealed that the main component of the white powder was borax, which is mainly used as a raw material for industrial detergents.

If it accumulates in the human body, it can cause poisoning phenomena such as vomiting, muscle cramps, and unconsciousness, so it is a prohibited ingredient for food addition in China.

[Seafood processing company employee: (Golden abalone washed in medicine) I don't eat it. I buy something fresh from the market and eat it.]

Sea cucumbers are boiled in water with borax dissolved and dyed black, as they can be tricked into high-quality black sea cucumbers and increased in price.

[Seafood processing company employee: All the black sea cucumbers were colored, originally green.]

It has been confirmed that the company has processed 2,5 tons so far, and fortunately, it has not been exported to Korea.

A well-known pickled vegetable manufacturer in the southern province of Guangdong has unveiled an outdoor vegetable yard and internal facilities that are almost like garbage dumps.

[Company employee: (What are you preparing to make?) Making pickled vegetables, everyone makes them like this.]

Today (15th) is Consumer Rights Protection Day in China, and there is a lingering anxiety about food safety amid a series of accusations about the hygiene of food manufacturing.

(Video Interview: Choi Deok-hyun, Video Editor: Kim Jin-won, Video Source: Shin Alert Baidu)