Shameful reward!

He lives a real nightmare, he feels that the earth revolves around him, he cries alone in the dark, he does not imagine that he fell into this trap, dark thoughts revolve in his head, how will his image become in front of his children if they see him in this picture and he is a venerable fiftieth, he hesitates a lot, does he report to the police or submit?

The story began when he received a "friend request" on a social media network from an attractive-looking young woman, who agreed to the request after noticing that there were three or four mutual friends between them.

She recorded admiration marks on a number of his photos that indicate his good financial situation, and then wrote to him privately, expressing her interest in him.

He did not respond to her at first, but she sent him another message late at night, which aroused his curiosity this time, and prompted him to browse her account, to discover more sexy pictures, and here his feet were removed, and he responded to her messages.

They exchanged chat, and the conversation deepened, and extended for days until his obsession with it increased, impulsive by the illusion planted in his head that she prefers the elderly, until the unfortunate happened and his image in disorderly situations, then revealed her ugly face and image, and finally realized that he had fallen victim to a systematic blackmail operation.

The above incident is literally repeated in many countries, and despite constant awareness by stakeholders, some still fall into the trap, both men and women. According to global studies, the majority of victims of this type of electronic extortion are teenagers who are not very aware of the dangers of the Internet and social networks. In some of the cases we have all followed, the victims even committed suicide, because they did not receive enough support from their families!

I would like to focus on a small but very important part, related to why someone might abandon the most basic rules of caution, send out obscene photos or clips, and appear inappropriately in front of someone they have never met before!

The answer is simply, defined by criminal and social psychologists as "reward", as the victim does not imagine that the other party who enjoys attractiveness or beauty admires him, so he decides to reward him in this shameful way, and falls into the trap!

The UAE is one of the best countries in dealing with this crime, as the police agencies provide all support to the victim, encourage him to report without blaming him or holding him any responsibility, as his inner feeling of remorse is enough, and is keen to remove the content that is indecent from the Internet, and tracks the perpetrators anywhere!

The new Law No. 34 of 2021 on combating rumors and cybercrimes dealt in its article No. 42 with the penalty for this crime, which amounts to two years in prison and a fine of 500,<> dirhams, so we have nothing left but caution and acting responsibly towards ourselves, as prevention is better than cure.

Arbitrator & Legal Counsel