We may look far away from solutions while they are closer to us than we imagine. Women may spend thousands of dollars on cosmetics and the most expensive creams to get rid of dark circles, while the solution is easier than that.

Women around the world search for complete beauty through skin free of any defect, such as children's skin, soft and supple, and bright eyes free of dark circles, especially since this defect is always a reason for her appearance with a dull and tired face, especially since the eyes are one of the most important signs that indicate On the beauty of women.

And after most women were looking for a solution in cosmetic operations to reach full beauty, some of them backed out of this step after it was proven that these operations failed in large proportions, and they resorted to alternative and safe methods, whether through natural cosmetics or by referring to nature and foods or foods that enhance the health.

Many recent studies have turned to nature and eating healthy foods that contain much of what women's bodies need to appear ideally, especially with age.

Collagen is one of the most important elements that the body needs in order to maintain the suppleness and freshness of the skin (Shutterstock)

Dr. Nesma Tara, a pharmacist who specializes in health and skin-related medicines, says that there are foods that help people in general, and women in particular, to restore the percentage of collagen that the body loses naturally over age, explaining that this substance is one of the most important elements that the body needs in order to maintain Skin softness and freshness, as well as to get rid of dark circles that most women suffer from.

Tara explains, in her interview with Al-Jazeera Net, that "stimulating the percentage of collagen in the body is one of the most important factors necessary to get rid of dark circles and unify the skin type for women."

And while most women resort to compensating their need for collagen by using it as skin care materials, such as creams, Tara confirms that the freshness of the skin comes from the inside and not just from the outside, and if the body has a sufficient percentage of collagen, then this will appear on the whole body, not the skin Just.

Collagen magic

She points out the presence of foods that contain a high percentage of collagen, such as "bone soup" which is called "shoop of trotters or stalks", as well as leafy vegetables rich in natural vitamins that a woman's body needs to restore its suppleness and freshness, and at the same time helps her get rid of body fat. Dark circles and an increase in the glow of her skin “Omega 3” found in chia seeds and avocados, as well as iron available in spinach, flax seeds and sesame seeds, and vitamin “C” available in a high concentration in guava and broccoli (green cauliflower), and vitamin “ E, which is found in a large proportion in nuts.

This was confirmed by a study conducted by the CLEVELAND CLINIC, as the medical director of the center, Dr. Elizabeth Bradley, says, “As you age, your body may not absorb nutrients or not produce them efficiently, and in order to make sure that your body contains components enough to make collagen, you may need to change what you eat or take supplements."

And Bradley points out, on the center’s website, that the most important foods that contain a high percentage of collagen are available in bone broth, as well as chicken and meat bone soup, as well as fish bones, explaining that the best way to get bone broth rich in collagen is to cook over a fire. Calm, and can be eaten directly in the form of liquid soup or use its ingredients in other dishes.

The best way to get bone broth rich in collagen is to cook it on low heat (Shutterstock)

"Bone broth can be bought from grocery stores, with only organically raised animal bones, because we don't want pesticide residue, antibiotics and other contaminants in our broth," Bradley adds.

Regarding the effectiveness of medical products that are marketed to women as the perfect solution to compensate their skin for the lost percentage of collagen, Bradley explains that this is not the best solution at all, considering that “synthetic collagen may succeed in adding a layer to be a barrier from environmental elements, but it will not be effective.” Same for healthy eating.

And she concludes by saying that the human skin is the largest organ in the body, and the way we nourish the skin is the same as the way we nourish the collagen stores throughout the body, “therefore we must focus on the health of the body before the skin,” according to Bradley.