It has always been useful to know how to calculate your fertile days, whether you want to get pregnant or not.

On the other hand, this process is not always easy and accurate.

In order to get pregnant, you must know which days you are most fertile, and the same applies to avoiding pregnancy.

In this context, the "Step to Health" website said in its report that determining the exact fertile period is impossible, as you should know that calculating this period is just an approximation.

ovulation days

Furthermore, it is important to remember that ovulation calendars, tests that measure hormone levels, as well as equipment that measures the temperature and composition of cervical mucus, are not accurate if you want to calculate fertile days.

How to calculate ovulation days

The website states that the menstrual cycle is the period of time between two menstrual periods.

In general, the first day of menstruation marks the beginning of a new cycle.

Each woman has her own cycle, which may vary from month to month.

Normally, the duration of a woman's cycle changes throughout her life.

For example, your cycle could last for 26 days when you were 18 years old, but after 10 years, the duration may change and either last longer or shorter.

It should be noted that this cycle will change after conception.

You don't have to worry if your periods aren't regular, you just have to be more aware of your cycle if you want to get pregnant or if you think you might be going through menopause if you're not pregnant.

When does ovulation occur?

The site stated that in a 28-day cycle - which is the normal period of the menstrual cycle - ovulation will occur approximately on the fourteenth day of the cycle, which means that the fertile days in the normal menstrual cycle are usually between the eighth and fifteenth day of the cycle.

As a result, the average fertile period is six days (the five days before ovulation, as well as the day after).

And the site indicated that the egg can remain for a period ranging between 12 and 18 hours after its exit.

After that, she will die, marking the end of a fertile period for everyone with a normal menstrual cycle.

In fact, not all women have a regular menstrual cycle that lasts the same number of days from one month to the next.

What if you have an irregular cycle?

Calculating the fertile period is difficult for women who have irregular menstrual cycles.

Therefore, even under these discretionary calculations, women may fail in their attempts to determine whether or not pregnancy occurs.

If you menstruate at different times during your cycle, it can be easy to make a mistake when keeping track of the days.

And if you want to calculate the fertile days in an irregular menstrual cycle, you must follow a set of steps such as recording the date of your menstrual cycle for at least six months.

For example, the duration of the cycle during one month may be 22 days, while in other months it is 27 days or 31 days.

After making these notes, you will need to use the following formula:

• Subtract 18 days from the shortest period and 11 days from the longest period.

For example, if the shortest cycle is 22 days and the longest cycle is 31 days, then you should follow the equation: 22 - 18 = 4 and 31 - 11 = 20.

• As a result, your fertile period will extend between day 4 and day 20 of the cycle.

It should be noted that this estimate is inaccurate and for a long time, but if you want to get pregnant, intercourse must take place during these days.

When your period is irregular, it is safest to resort to ovulation tests that are sold in pharmacies, and you should make sure that you follow the instructions very carefully.

In fact, this is the best way to determine your fertile days, whether you want to conceive or avoid pregnancy.

Are there symptoms that show that you are in the fertile period?

In order to calculate your fertile days, you need to know how to recognize the signs your body is sending.

Among the symptoms that indicate the occurrence of ovulation soon, we mention the following:

• The growth of fluid in the vagina, which is similar in color and consistency to a large extent egg whites.

In fact, the release of the hormone estradiol results in more vaginal fluid coming out than usual, which is a natural lubrication mechanism of the vaginal canal.

• Although the appearance of pimples is one of the signs that women hate, it indicates that you are ovulating.

At this stage, the skin becomes more oily even after you pass the teenage years.

• A slight rise in your body temperature coincides with the release of eggs.

In general, progesterone is responsible for the rise in temperature by about one degree.

• Increased libido due to higher hormone levels.

In fact, you will feel more attractive and your sexual desire will increase.

• During the ovulation phase, your appetite will open as the woman's body is preparing for the possibility of pregnancy.

• You may feel a slight pain in the lower part of the abdomen or contractions that come and go.

• Mood swings are an indication of ovulation. Your mood will change and you will feel emotionally unstable.

In general, remember that it is necessary to visit the gynecologist annually to make sure that everything is in order with regard to the menstrual cycle and reproductive health.

Tips to increase the chance of pregnancy

1- Stay away from fast food that is full of cholesterol, a substance that negatively affects the balance of hormones, especially progesterone.

2- Switching towards healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

3- Staying away from psychological stress, which is one of the common factors that negatively affect women's health.

4- Practicing yoga and meditation, which are activities that improve mood and health.

Folic acid

It is noteworthy that folic acid is of great importance during pregnancy, as it plays a major role in the development of the fetus and protects it from abnormalities such as neural tube defects, so folic acid is called the "pregnancy vitamin", according to the German Society for Nutrition.

The association stated that during pregnancy, women need to take folic acid, which is also known as vitamin “B9”, in an amount ranging between 400 and 600 micrograms per day, noting that its food sources are green leafy vegetables such as spinach and cabbage, in addition to asparagus. Soybeans, nuts and wheat germ.

And when needed, folic acid tablets can also be taken under the supervision of a doctor.

How many days of ovulation after the cycle?

Ovulation occurs about 12 to 14 days before the start of a new menstrual cycle.

The fertile period is the five days preceding ovulation, in addition to the day of ovulation and the day following it;

That is, approximately 7 days in total, according to the Johns Hopkins University website.

What are the signs of ovulation day?

According to WebMD, the "ovulation symptoms" - that is, the signs that may appear when your body releases an egg - are:

  • The resting temperature drops slightly, then rises again.

    You can use a special thermometer to check your temperature every morning before getting out of bed.

    You are most likely to be fertile 2 or 3 days before your temperature rises.

  • Cervical mucus becomes clearer and thinner, like egg white.

You may also notice:

  • Tender breasts

  • swelling

  • Cramps

With the emphasis here that these symptoms do not always mean that you are in the period of ovulation.

When can pregnancy occur after menstruation?

Pregnancy can occur through marital intercourse, which takes place immediately after the end of menstruation.

When is the pregnancy rate high?

Enhancing the chances of pregnancy depends primarily on the coincidence of the timing of marital intercourse with the ovulation period, as a study found that the average chances of pregnancy were as follows, with regard to the timing of marital intercourse and the period of ovulation:

7 days before ovulation: 3%

6 days before ovulation: 6%

5 days before ovulation: 9%

4 days before ovulation: 18%

3 days before ovulation: 27%

2 days before ovulation: 33%

Day before ovulation: 42%

Ovulation day: 20%

The day after ovulation: 8%

Does pregnancy occur only in the days of ovulation?

Pregnancy occurs when the egg is fertilized by the sperm, i.e. fertilization.

The fertile period is the five days leading up to ovulation, plus the day of ovulation and the day after ovulation.