The well-visited experience and experience business was previously housed in Old Linköping and then in the same premises where LasseMaja's Deckarhus has now moved.

A number of different proposals regarding Fenomenmagasinet's location have been discussed.

The solution that is now proposed is that the new Fenomenmagasinet is built in the vicinity of Vallaskogen, Linköping University and Old Linköping.

Decisions are made by the municipal board on March 7.

- I hope that more young people from different neighborhoods and backgrounds will have the opportunity to learn more through Fenomenmagasinet and maybe become the engineers of the future, says Kristina Edlund in a comment on the municipality's website.

According to the preliminary timetable, Fenomenmagasinet can open its operations in new premises during the second half of 2025. Fenomenmagasinet is a collaborative project between Linköping Municipality, Linköping University and Region Östergötland.

You can see the incomparable manikin's journey through Fenomenmagasinet's old premises in the clip below.

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In the clip, you see the manikin's path through Fenomenmagasinet's premises.

Photo: Axel Brantemo/SVT