Loyal comrade

Amal Minshawi


25 May 2023

It was never deaf papers, but a lifetime and a new birth and a lamp of light in the midst of darkness and brokenness, and it was not lines and words, but a lifeline from sorrows and a hand that extended towards a miserable drowning man struggling with his last breath for survival, and a knight who broke the dust of the collapse of dreams and healed the deep wounds, and filled the soul with light.

He is the old friend who remains faithful despite estrangement and abandonment, he does not reproach or blame, but opens his arms to life with each return with another great opportunity that cannot be postponed and does not accept postponement.

He is the most gentle in the lonely nights, the companion who does not get bored, no matter how long the road extends, the hiding place of scraps that drip hair and grandfather, and the shrine of roses whose fragrance does not rest and the feeling of them does not wither no matter how long it takes.

He is the one who carries with him the spectra of those who have left us and the smell of their perfume, and draws between his sides the features of their faces and their tender smile as they surprise us with it as a valuable gift and a sincere expression of their love for us, which cannot be forgotten.

He is the one who shares with us the first pulse of love and the happiness of the moments stolen before the sad endings, and reminds us every night how innocent we were in the face of betrayal.

He is the one who dries our tears, relieves our pain, modifies our moods, removes our missteps, makes our successes, expands our steps, fulfills difficult wishes, and draws around us a luminous aura of literature, high morals and culture that refines the soul and elevates the status.

He is the One who travels us through the vast universe, opens up his magical and glorious worlds, prepares the future before his coming and tells us what development and urbanization will be.

It is the book and its light, which is an abundance of the gracious Spirit of God, a heavenly gift and a divine recipe for salvation in this world, the greatest title of which is "Read",

Reading is another different world, and it has increased with it the elevation and value, and an oasis of shadow amid the displacement of electronics and its frightening speed, and a spacious space for us and our children of peace and safety.

Here is the Abu Dhabi Book Fair coming again loaded with the memory of the precious times, the titles of the ancient tales of the priests of the Temple of Amun, the epics of the Iliad, the Odyssey, the Trojan horse, the Crescent Biography, the Divine Comedy, and the inspiring stories that enriched the imagination and captivated the heart with a delightful world for adults and children, and many others that still await us after living with the same elegance and dazzling for decades in the minds and conscience.

The week-long Abu Dhabi International Book Fair is a great opportunity to renew the covenant with a loyal friend and loyal companion, the book, with all its cultures and colors of poetry, literature, science and arts, its creative character and its nationality «human».

It shares with us the first pulse of love and the happiness of the moments stolen before the sad endings, and reminds us every night how innocent we were in the face of betrayal.


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