The deconstruction of gender stereotypes is one of the fundamental steps for the realization of a society that recognizes gender equity. Although there is a growing awareness, still too often in the different ages of a woman and in different areas, gender stereotypes – that is, that rigid set of opinions and generalized prejudices about the attributes, characteristics, behaviors that women and men have or should have, about the roles they play or should play – contribute to limiting the possibilities of life, women's aspirations and freedom of action.

The event organized by the ASviS Working Group on Goal 1 "Defeat poverty" and Goal 10 "Reducing inequalities" together with the Inequalities and Diversity Forum, with the collaboration of the Working Group on Goal 5 "Gender Equality", aims to address gender stereotypes highlighting both their pervasiveness and the possibility of combating them with collective actions and public policies. They will be examined in relation to the different stages of a woman's life, intersecting them with two ongoing processes: the digital transition and the ecological transition. Two processes with non-neutral effects, whose direction can contribute to decreasing or increasing gender inequalities. The event will take into account as much as possible an intersectional perspective, aware of how gender stereotypes are intertwined with other dimensions (class and ethnicity for example) in a dialectical relationship between culture and two-way and continuous social and economic reality.