The disease of a thousand faces. Why are doctors puzzled by its causes so far?

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammation of the central nervous system. BDA

Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic inflammation of the central nervous system, and its causes are not yet known, but doctors believe that it is due to an autoimmune disease, as the immune system attacks the brain and spinal cord, according to the German Society for Multiple Sclerosis.

Various viruses and bacteria, such as the herpes virus, are also suspected to be the cause of multiple sclerosis.

The association added that the symptoms of multiple sclerosis vary depending on the areas affected by chronic inflammation, so MS is known as a thousand faces, which makes diagnosis difficult.

Symptoms of MS at the onset of the disease include gait instability, tripping, balance and coordination disturbances, bowel emptying disorders, muscle stiffness, loose forces and signs of paralysis.

In the advanced stage of the disease, symptoms also include severe vision disorders, up to temporary blindness, speech disorders, cognitive disorders such as problems with cognition, attention and concentration, slow and limited information processing, as well as depression.

Although MS is incurable, through different treatment methods the patient's quality of life can be improved.

A treatment program is developed for each patient individually according to their age, gender and degree of severity of the disease, and the treatment program includes medications such as cortisone and physiotherapy, in addition to speech therapy and psychotherapy when needed.