
The accident in Belricetto di Lugo (Ravenna)

The helicopter flies over the flooded areas in Romagna, then crashes - Video

In the images shot by the carabinieri the carcass of the aircraft, which was engaged in the restoration of power lines on behalf of Enel. Of the 4 people on board one was injured while the other three would be unharmed



"We saw the helicopter, it was doing maneuvers that seemed risky, at a certain point we didn't see it anymore." So Luigi Pelliconi, one of the witnesses of the plane crashed this morning in a hamlet of Lugo, in Ravenna, with 4 people on board.

The helicopter fell to the ground about 50 meters from a house: "A man came towards me who saw him fall a few meters from his head, he was in shock and almost fainted. So we went to extract two of the four components and put them on the flooded road until help arrived. I spoke at length with the woman who was piloting the helicopter; None of them seemed to me of such gravity as to lose their lives. The helicopter from Ravenna arrived in 5 minutes", he adds.