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A soldier who was disciplined for telling his superior, "I'm a professional sergeant because it's a slur to a local university," has filed a lawsuit to have his suspension revoked, which was dismissed.

The Daegu District Law Administrative Division 1 (Presiding Judge Chae Jung-seon) announced today (2th) that it has dismissed the plaintiff's claim in the "cancellation of demotion" lawsuit filed by soldier A, who was disciplined for insulting his superiors, against the commander of the firearms company of the 201st Rapid Response Brigade of the Army's 18nd Rapid Response Division.

Mr. A insulted four of his superiors on a total of five occasions in June~July 2021 when he was serving as a corporal in the unit, and was demoted in March last year when he was a sergeant for violating his duty of obedience.

When Sergeant B instructed him to place an additional chair during the accident prevention training session, Mr. A made insulting remarks, saying, "What's that XX ordering?" or comparing his immediate superior, Major C, to other superiors in front of all his fellow soldiers, and saying, "That's why you can't get a promotion."

Not only that, but in the living quarters, he said to one of the sergeants, "Aren't you a professional sergeant because you're a jerk?"

When he was disciplined for this series of remarks, Mr. A filed a lawsuit, claiming that he had not insulted his superiors and that the disciplinary action was in retaliation for his public interest report.

It also claimed that the highest-level disciplinary action was a deviation and abuse of discretion.

Mr. A received a deferred prosecution from the military prosecutor's office.

The court stated the reason for the dismissal, saying, "It is recognized that the plaintiff insulted his superiors, such as harming his social evaluation or expressing feelings of contempt," and that "it is difficult to conclude that the disciplinary action was a retaliatory measure for a public interest report, or that it was manifestly unjust and significantly lost its validity in accordance with social norms."