The situation has not yet normalized after the bad weather of recent days in Emilia Romagna remains high attention in several of the affected areas. There are about 600 displaced people in the province of Ravenna, of which 500 have found hospitality from family and friends, while about one hundred people have been welcomed in the municipal structures specifically identified. The threshold of attention remains high with regard to the hydrometric level of the network of consortium channels. The Rescue Coordination Centre established at the Prefecture of Ravenna since 2 May is still active and is operational continuously in 24 hours. The most critical issues concern the territories of the Municipalities of Faenza, Conselice, Bagnacavallo and Casola Valsenio and the road network of the hilly territory. The work of the Fire Brigade, Civil Protection technicians and volunteers continues incessantly, to whom men and vehicles of the mobile columns of Civil Protection from the Veneto, Lombardy and Tuscany regions also came to the rescue. With reference to the interruptions of the railway lines, after important repairs by RFI, almost all have been restored. At present, the only section of line interrupted to traffic is the one that affects Lugo up to Russi, Castel Bolognese - Ravenna line. The hypothesized recovery times can be assumed in a week from the moment the state of the places returns to normal.

The Rescue Coordination Centre, in close collaboration with the Consorzio di Bonifica della Romagna Occidentale and with Anas, is evaluating, in the light of the evolution of the situation, the resumption of circulation of some road arteries currently interrupted. This morning, after a brief meeting of Anas inspectors and technicians of the same Consortium, the Adriatic State Road 16 was reopened.

The Italian Air Force is also involved in rescue operations with a helicopter thanks to which a farm that has been isolated by landslides in Casola Valsenio will be supplied with straw and fodder. With regard to essential services, for the Faenza area E-Distribuzione has made available to users a temporary telephone number (3534560963) dedicated exclusively to the management of critical issues, active during working hours, while the number 24 remains available 803500 hours a day.

"I express my greatest closeness to the communities affected by the terrible events of these days", said the prefect Castrese De Rosa, today visiting the territories most affected by the emergency, to take stock of the situation with the mayors and technicians of the Civil Protection. Hydraulic works and infrastructures have been strongly affected by flood events, suffering breaks and overflows on agricultural, industrial and urban areas. The territory, made more vulnerable by rainfall in hilly areas, collapsed by landslides on the roads. In all these kilometers of roads the mayors, with their technicians, the Regional Agency and the Reclamation Consortia immediately carried out the interventions for the safety of the population and the places.


River rescuers in Bagnacavallo (Ravenna), 4 May 2023.