It has been confirmed that prosecutors have launched a subpoena investigation against people who invested a lot of money in Ra Deok-yeon, a key figure in the
alleged manipulation of the stock price. There are mainly doctors, and prosecutors believe that the director of a hospital, in particular, played a leading role in gathering investors and plan to subpoena him for investigation soon.

Reporter Yoonha Cho contributed to this report.


Most of the participants in the investment briefing held behind closed doors by CEO Ra Duk-yeon in September last year are doctors who have invested as little as hundreds of millions of won and as much as billions of won.

[Representative Radeok-yeon: What we're doing right now is, we left all the laptops at the director's hospital.]

They appear to have recognized the illegality of the investment, such as asking for a period of market manipulation.

[Investor A: It's market manipulation itself. The ship is going right now. I became one with the CEO.]

[Investor B: You mentioned earlier that there are 9,3 companies, but I don't think there will be that. So look at how long. How many years.]

It has been confirmed that the prosecutor's office has been subpoenaing doctors who, like them, handed over mobile phones and accounts in their names to Ra and entrusted them with large investments, starting on the 4rd.

The doctors, who appeared before the prosecution as references, reportedly made statements to the effect that "they only invested by the introduction of their neighbors, did not know that it was stock price manipulation, but rather lost money."

Prosecutors plan to convert doctors who are found to have prior knowledge of the illegality of the investments to suspect status based on their findings.

In particular, the prosecution plans to call in Mr. A, the director of the hospital, who is suspected of having a de facto business relationship with Mr. Ra, to investigate soon.

Prosecutors believe that Mr. A, who runs a hospital in Seoul, played a leading role in recruiting a large number of high-investment doctors.

[Hospital official: The director says he has nothing special to say, because he has work today...]

Most of the doctors currently under investigation are in the same field as Mr. A, and the prosecution is investigating whether Mr. A recruited investment doctors in a so-called "multi-step manner."

(Video Interview: Ha Lung, Kim Seung-tae, Video Editing: Hwang Ji-young)