Broadcaster Seo Se-won is known to be famously distraught at an unlicensed hospital in Cambodia, and procedures such as whether to transport the body are still undecided, adding to the sadness.

Sewon Seo reportedly died of shock while receiving fluids at a hospital in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, around 20 p.m. on the 1th. Later, it was discovered through a local resident that the hospital was not officially licensed, and the nurse who administered the injection was not a formal employee of the hospital, adding to the shock.

In addition, suspicions remain unresolved as to whether the injection Sewon Seo received shortly before his death was simply an injection of fluids or whether it was propofol, also known as "milk injection," which is classified as a psychotropic drug in Korea.

Six days have passed since Sewon Sewon closed his eyes, but his body is still said to be buried in a temple in Phnom Penh.

The family that Seo Sewon formed through her remarriage remains in Cambodia, but the controversy over Seo Sewon's death seems to have made it clear whether she is responsible. In addition, Sewon Suh's daughter, Dong Ju, also visited Cambodia but reportedly did not say much about the funeral arrangements.

The late Sewon Seo is expected to undergo cremation procedures locally. According to local residents, it costs about 6 million won to transport the body from Cambodia to South Korea. It is predicted that the bereaved family will not be able to afford the high cost of transporting the body because the deceased was in poor financial condition even before his death in Cambodia.

Sewon Seo closed his eyes at 3 p.m. on the 20th. Sewon Seo has a daughter, Dongju, and a son, Miro. He and his wife, A, who remarried, reportedly have one elementary school daughter.

(SBS Entertainment News reporter Kang Kyung-yoon)