April 25, 2023

Fabienne Carat and Alain broke up

It's over between Fabienne Carat and Alain, candidate of Married at First Sight. The latter announced the sad news but said that their separation was done "without rancor or bitterness". "I am not used to talking about my private life and even less about my love life on the networks, but by popular demand I will answer your question, indeed we are no longer together after a magnificent relationship of one year. Sometimes you have to accept that some things just don't work, even if you love them deeply. It is better to let go of a person you love, if it means the end of your own happiness or the deterioration of your well-being by staying with that person. Because love, no matter how strong, is not always enough to keep a relationship alive," he wrote.

The couple had formalized their relationship in August 2022.

Matt Pokora celebrates 2 years of his son Kenna

Injured hand, Taylor Swift reassures her fans

Taylor Swift is fine! This is the message that the singer wanted to convey, while fans noticed that she had scratches on her left hand during a concert in Houston on Saturday night. "For those who ask how I cut my hand, I'm fine and it was entirely my fault. I tripped over the hem of my dress and ran into the dark backstage to change quickly. I caught myself with my palm. All this makes Mercury very retrograde. Don't worry about me, I'm fine," she wrote on Twitter.

We are reassured!

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