
Last weekend, the lottery draw resulted in a whopping 2 second-place tickets. Last week's second prize was 664.2 million, with a whopping 690 wins at one store alone. Many voices wonder how that can be done.

Reporter Sagong Sung-geun contributed to this report.


A lottery shop in Seoul that had a whopping 103 lottery second-place winners last week.

The owner of the store hangs the banner himself.

After hearing the rumors of winning the pile, customers came from other parts of the country.

[Win. (103st place!)]

[Lottery ticket buyers: More than 2 people won at the same time, so I should buy with that hope.]

The odds of second place matching the bonus number to the 1 winning numbers are 100 in 5.2 million.

Last year, there was an average of 136.1 second-place winners each week, compared to a whopping 2 last week.

[All stations/lottery shop owners: More than 75 people came out nationwide, and this time we didn't just come out a lot, strangely all came out.]

Of the 7 tickets won at the dealership, 664 were manual, but the lottery committee said 600 of the manual were sold on the same day and at the same time, making them presumed to be purchased by the same person.

103 cards are the maximum amount that can be bought at one time, and if bought by the same person, the total winnings amount to 102 million won.

Along with envy at the unusual results, there were also allegations of manipulation or leaking of winning numbers.

[Lee Hye-sook/Dongdaemun-gu in Seoul: (number) How can 100 people win, in one place? I don't understand.]

The lottery commission dismissed the possibility of manipulation, saying, "Lotto draws are broadcast throughout the country and are observed by police officers."

He explained that lottery terminals at retailers close at 100 p.m. on Saturdays, and that leaking winning numbers is not possible in reality.

(Video Interview: Yang Ji-hoon, Video Editor: Yu Yu-yang, VJ: Kim Jong-gap)