▲YouTuber 'Ondo Nisam'

Athletic YouTuber Ondonisam, who has nearly 20,2017 subscribers, revealed that he is the bereaved family victim of a one-family murder in Yongin in 6, and six years later, he is still experiencing extreme trauma.

On the 26th, the YouTube channel "Ondo Nisam" posted a video titled "The Real Reason I Started YouTube" and confessed, "I am the bereaved family of the murder victim of the Yongin family."

Last month, YouTuber Ondonisam said on the channel, "I'm going through a tough time. I ran ahead and came to burnout, and generalized anxiety disorder caused by big things in the past is making it more difficult," he said, posting a video about upload delays and future plans.

Ondoni, who returned to the video just over a month later, opened up about the "past" he mentioned in the previous video.

According to the video, this was none other than the "Yongin Family Murder Case," in which the victims were YouTuber Ondoni's biological father, stepmother, and half-brother, and the culprit was her stepbrother.

Ondoni paused for a moment, "My new brother killed all three of them in less than five hours. The last time I saw my dad was in the trunk, he looked miserable. I think of my dad's last time every day, and it's still hard to this day."

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▲Kim Sung-kwan, the perpetrator of the murder of the Yongin family

The so-called "Yongin Family Murder Case," which Ondo revealed in October, refers to the murder of his biological mother Aunt (2017 years old at the time), his half-brother Jeon Mo (then 10 years old), and his stepfather Jeon Mo (55 years old at the time) with a knife in October 14.

Immediately after the crime, Kim Sung-kwan took 57 million won from his biological mother's account and fled to New Zealand with his wife, Jeong-mo (1), and two daughters, and was forcibly repatriated to South Korea 1800 days after leaving the country.

In the video, Ondoni explains why Kim Sung-kwan murdered his birth mother and brother, saying, "I think jealousy played the biggest role."

"With the love and support of my mother, when my youngest brother was born, financial support and attention were focused on him. My new brother was an adult, had a family, and had to make a living for himself, but he kept asking his stepmother for money. When my stepmother refused and took care of my brother, I think he killed him out of jealousy," he said, adding, "I think my father also killed me because he was afraid of reporting this crime."

Ondoni said, "I wanted everything to be a dream, and I wanted to wake up from it. "My dad died unjustly, cruelly, unannounced, and tragically, and I am very sorry that I didn't have time to fully grieve and I'm sorry to my father."

"At the beginning of YouTube, I thought, 'If I become famous and can be punished again by petitioning the people, wouldn't my dad's chagrin be relieved a little?'" he said, adding, "After that, I got more subscribers, and when I saw the comments that I was helped by watching the video, a lot of my bad feelings disappeared."

As for why he posted the video, Ondoni said, "I couldn't say anything about it and held it in my heart, so instead of healing, it festered and was on the verge of bursting. I realized that there are no secrets in the world, and that if there are secrets, you will get sick."

He continued, "If you support me and comfort me, I think I can get out of the long tunnel of depression a little faster. There are many people who are waiting for their YouTube activities, but I will heal and come back," he finished the video.

Users who saw the post wrote, "My heart breaks at the sight of my lips trembling in the middle. I can't imagine the pain", "I support you from the bottom of my heart. The exercise video helped me a lot", and "I offer my deepest condolences".

Meanwhile, Kim Sung-kwan, the perpetrator of the murder of the Yongin family, was sentenced to life imprisonment in the first and second trials, but his sentence was confirmed after abandoning his appeal, and Kim Sung-kwan's wife, Jeong, who is accused of aiding and abetting the crime, was sentenced to eight years in prison and is reportedly serving a sentence confirmed by the Supreme Court.

(Photo = YouTube '"It's okay to be anxious" Ondo Nisam', Yonhap News)