
The Internal Revenue Service has launched a property chase for a large delinquent. Among them was a man who hid the first prize of the lotto and billions of won.

I'm a journalist.

Internal Revenue Service has launched a wealth tracing investigation against high-paying delinquents who have been anomalously hiding their wealth or living a luxurious life.

In the process, 1 delinquents were caught who had won a high-value lottery ticket but had not paid taxes and hid it.

According to the National Tax Service, Mr. A, who runs a distribution business, continued to pay taxes of more than 36 billion won.

The property tracking revealed that Mr. A had won the first prize in the lotto and received money in the mid-10 billion won range, but had withdrawn only some of it in cash and checks, and transferred the rest to his family's account.

As a result, the IRS is considering seizing the account where the winnings were received and filing a lawsuit to cancel the money transferred to the family.

The Internal Revenue Service also went directly to the residences of malicious and deliberate delinquents to collect them.

According to the National Tax Service, Mr. B, a representative of a trading company who was investigated for alleged leakage of corporate funds, has also paid more than 1 billion won in taxes.

However, a raid on the residence found hundreds of luxury bags and shoes in the closet and elsewhere.

In addition,

precious metals and foreign cars worth 20 million won were seized.

In the case of Mr. C, who sold the property and did not pay the transfer tax, 20 million won in cash hidden in a safe was forcibly collected.

The National Tax Service said that it collected 5.4 trillion won as a result of tracking the assets of high-value delinquents last year, and this year it has selected 2 high-value delinquents to strengthen the follow-up investigation.

(Video editing: Jeon Min-kyu)