The fact that you can get a bloody nose with the alleged salvation of the world is something that Deutsche Bank's investment company, DWS, can tell you a thing or two about. Climate and environmental protection are anything but a marketing gimmick. It's about concrete content. And there is still a big gap between the requirements of the European Commission and the reality in companies. This can also be described as sustainable if one is aware of the enormous efforts that are necessary to close it.

All beginnings are difficult and the green transformation of the economy is only now really beginning. Instead of complicating things unnecessarily, it would be more advisable to measure progress using a simple metric: CO2 emissions. The faster they fall, the better it is for the environment. Taking into account all EU environmental objectives more quickly, especially with regard to water resources, can also help to sharpen companies' awareness of the important and thus correct measures.

Stopping climate change is an existential challenge for humanity. This cannot be solved in thousands of pages of technical regulatory measures. It's about conserving nature's resources as much as possible. "Business as usual" would be devastating. This insight also applies to the financial markets: returns must serve the future.