One of the reasons behind < anchor>

charter scam is the opaque price of villas. It is pointed out that the information asymmetry between landlords and tenants and the high charter rate should be improved so that the sale price and the charter price are similar.

Reporter Cho Yoon-ha pointed it out.


Mr. A, who entered a newly built villa in Hwagok-dong, Gangseo-gu, Seoul, was contracted by trusting only the words of a certified broker, but it turned out that the charter price was

a can charter similar to the price of the house.

[Mr. A/Victim of Charter Fraud: I didn't know the market price, and I said, 'This is how the charter is set, so you can go in,' so I said, 'Oh, that's right.']

Mr. B, who was scammed for a charter, also did not get enough information before signing the contract.

[Mr. B/Charter Fraud Victim: You don't know until you sign the contract. But after signing the contract, what do you do if you say no to this house? Can I break the contract.]

In this way, charter fraud starts with information asymmetry between landlord and tenant.

Tenants deposit large sums of money for several years, but they don't know details such as the landlord's debts or financial resources.

Therefore, the government has launched an app that allows landlords to check the arrears of national tax and the price of villas.

However, it is pointed out that the arrears can only be known after signing a contract, and the app actually provides the market price, but there is not much accumulated information yet, so it is limited to fully grasp the can charter.

Bills have been introduced in the National Assembly to complement this, first of all, a bill that allows landlords to know how many houses they own.

Even before the lease contract, you can get the landlord's consent so that you can know the house you own.

There is also legislation that limits charter deposits to 70% of the house value in order to disclose opaque charter prices and prevent capital-free gap speculation.

It is a way to cap the security deposit without infringing on the property rights of the landlord.

[Choi Eun-young/Director of Korea Urban Research Institute: (Tenants) are signing a contract now in a 'don't ask' state. I think we need to redesign this system to see how far information should be provided to protect the charter deposit.]

It is pointed out that after priority support for victims in a hurry, the structural causes of the war crisis should be pointed out one by one and resolved.

(Video Interview: Han Il-il, Video Editing: Kim Jong-mi)

▶ Sentence of "2400 Organization" heavier than the old sentence..."shake the lives of ordinary people" 34% of illegal contracts that violated the markup...'priority right of
▶ reimbursement' opens the way