Baptiste Morin 11:58 a.m., February 21, 2023

This is a sector in which Emmanuel Macron has high hopes.

Some of the leaders of French Tech, including those of the unicorns, were gathered at the Élysée to talk about the future of their companies on French territory.

But what is a unicorn?

Europe 1 takes stock.

Emmanuel Macron received some 300 leaders from French Tech at the Élysée on Monday.

A sector that has particularly flourishing companies, called "unicorns".

But what is a unicorn?

Europe 1 takes stock.

A unicorn is a company that is less than ten years old and whose value has exceeded the symbolic mark of one billion dollars.

The term was chosen ten years ago by an American investor, Aileen Lee.

With this word, the latter wanted to convey the idea of ​​rarity.

That's why she chose this legendary creature, a sort of winged horse with a single horn. 

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More than 20 unicorns in France

A company with unicorn status grows through major fundraising with tens of millions of dollars.

There are more than 1,000 unicorns in the world, including more than 20 in France.

The first French unicorn was Vente-Privé in 2007, now Veepee.

And the latest company in France is United, an instant credit specialist.

A brand that does not necessarily speak to the French.

However, the latter know about ten companies, and use their applications, Doctolib, Blablacar or even the platform for the purchase of refurbished electronic devices, Back Market.